Me Time

Update 35 Jan 31-Feb 6, 2022

Let’s be blunt and short… I barely wrote at the beginning of the year, and then got mad at myself. So, the second week of the month I kicked my own ass and knocked a huge writing session. And then I went from 24th of Jan until Feb 6th without writing a single word.

The title of this blog is “Me Time” and I thought about writing a piece where I come in here and forgive myself and say how great it is to take a week… almost 2 full weeks off. I was going to write about how we all need to have self-care and all of that.

And while I DO absolutely believe that we all need self-care and we all need to take care of our emotional and mental states as well as our physical… I really didn’t actively do that. I just felt really lazy and maybe even a little depressed and I wanted to stay in bed and watch movies on my days off.

Did I do Nothing?

But I also shouldn’t be so hard on myself as I didn’t do nothing during that time. One of those days I had to shovel the whole driveway. On another I decided to take all of the knives in the house and spent two hours with a whetstone trying to put new edges on all of them.

I even cooked a little and spent time with other entertainment. I read comics, I played a bunch of video games, and I even thought about a change up for the next novels. I also worked hard on the side job.

But still, I had time to write and I just didn’t do it. And after I finish this blog, I will beat myself up over it for a while. I’m just being open and honest here. That’s what this whole website and blog are about.

That and occasionally talking about my books, stories, games, etc.

Batter Blogs… or other topics?

Do I need to change things up? I keep promising to do other types of blogs. But keeping up with one a week is more than enough. Adding in a few more each month starts to eat into what little writing time I do use.

I still want to talk about gaming a little more… and perhaps start doing a series of essays on outlining and world building again. Though I have a whole series of those already on here.

I just don’t know what will both entertain and enlighten those of you who read regularly.

I’m already hemming and hawing about whether I should end the blog here… which would be the shortest blog I’ve ever written.


Well, let me at least stay on track with this post. I did get in a session this morning (as in the morning when I’m writing this). I knocked out a short chapter 2500 words. Not too bad and the manuscript is sitting at 151,319 words.

I have 14 more chapters, an interlude, and the epilogue and the rough is done. It’s a long way to go and I really should be doing more and writing more.

And just like that I’m mad at myself again.

We’re going to end here.