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Kurt M Criscione is a New England native; his mother was born on Friday the 13th and his father on Halloween, while he was born on Thursday the 12th…. He was raised by his mother on a steady diet of horror and Kaiju movies. A child of the 80’s, he is a massive fan of Gaming and Ancient Myths/cultures; and is an amateur Historian. He currently lives in Connecticut with his cat and is pursuing his MFA in English/ Creative Writing.

Well that is the official bio as it appears in my book, No Laughing Matter, and in my query letters and proposals. It is short and to the point but lacks in details. So here are some of those details. I have been an avid reader since I was a small child and I started gaming when I was 10, running the games and telling the stories that my friends bravely survived. In my teens I started grinding out stories and short novels using archaic typewriters, and as I hit my 20s I even dabbled in poetry and plays. As I entered the work force I went through a period where I stopped writing and concentrated on making a living in what would turn out to be a wrong career choice. It wasn’t until my 30s that I realized that I really needed to write again, but all I was writing about was either Horror or world building/ story-telling in my Role-Playing games. You couldn’t possibly write about your D&D characters and become a well-known author? That’s when I discovered Steven Erikson.

I’ve spent the last decade writing, world building, meeting authors in various genres, I became an intern and eventual copy-editor for a rapidly growing publishing company, I free-lanced as an editor for several horror authors. Finally, injury, and a changing marketplace ended my previous “career” and I returned to school and started this venture where I’m making my writing and art my main concern and focus. Welcome to my site, we’ll have blogs on world-building, characters, work in progress (wip), and also gaming articles including a weekly play by play of the game I am currently running, stories of old games, stories of games I am playing in, and even occasionally house rules and characters for various game systems. Occasionally I’ll bring you reviews of books, food, games, and movies.

Welcome again, to my world and my writing.