Year of the Book–Zero Post
Tentative Schedule
This month will be a transition phase for the website. In a few weeks I will be starting my thesis classes for my master’s degree. As such writing time will become a premium. The plan is for the Sunday gaming posts to slow down a little and possibly shift to a bi-weekly schedule.
This morning I set out to write the new Nile Avengers Act 1 post, and discovered that half of the notes are missing for the story. The first 2 acts only have the last half of the notes. This is something that can be glossed over but it does mean that the posts for Nile Avengers are going to be lean.
The other problem is that the Nile Avengers only saw 4 acts before they discovered the relic and the game came to a halt, we then decided that we would change up the theme of the game to become a side story. But the side story was put on hold due to the Covid-19 stay at home orders.
Going Forward:
So, the Nile Avengers story will be told, but not in as much depth as the previous gaming posts. Now, just because I was planning on phasing out the Sunday posts to a lower frequency does not mean I was abandoning the site entirely.
The Wednesday writing posts will be coming back. They will perhaps be shorter. However, I intend to take all of my readers with me on my journey to the end of my degree, and beyond.
Over the course of the rest of the year I will be logging my word count and my progress with my thesis. A doorstopper of an Epic Fantasy that is precursor to my series. There will be word counts, revision ideas, plotting problems; basically, a diary of the whole process.
Beyond the Degree
After I finish this novel, I intend to shop it around. I will be hunting for an agent. I have lists of possible agents, I have a few strategies of how to approach them, and I even have my query letter already written for this novel.
I intend to take you readers with me through everything. Not in too boring a detail, but in a manner in which you can see how long it takes to go through everything.
Hunting an agent. Trying to sell the book. Debating what to work on next. (I mean do you start the follow up series or do you write another one-off novel?) Trying to stay sane as you wait for weeks for rejection. If the book sells, I will take you through further edits, revisions, and everything else.
I have been toying with doing a newsletter. I don’t know how you all feel about that. The newsletter would probably be a monthly thing. It would give you a break down of the previous month on the site, but would also give you more up to date information and include things like; what I’m currently reading, what movies have been amazing, hobby and life events, and possibly some giveaways and fun stuff. Let me know if you think that’s a good idea or if you just want to stay with coming to the site or my RSS feed.
Short One:
Sorry this is so short. This is finals week in my classes and I have a ton of writing to accomplish. My fingers are going to fall off.