Beginning of the End (Mastery Achieved)
Revision the Second update #7 (12-18April 2021)
What a week!
Monday was my birthday; I did not want to do much of anything. But the week before I was really lagging behind, so I made a hard push forward. This is also the week where I have to get my finals written before they are due next week.
The title might have you asking, “The end of what?”
The end of my degree program. As you read this I have to hand in my finals and then I have one more week, wherein I basically write a reflection essay and make a few posts and that’s it. I’m just done.
Professor Kurt M Criscione.
I am the master!

But the work must go on.
I got such a great start at the beginning of the week and then trailed off as I spent the week working on my finals. That all said I knocked out five more chapters in my third round of revision.
That leaves me with only 2 chapters left that my teacher gave feedback on. After that is the final 100,000 words of the novel… which is stressful. NO ONE but I have read them.
The revision gets a lot tougher when you don’t have any feedback whatsoever to employ. The best I can do is cut the fat and shorten my sentences. Try to show more and tell less. All the most basic of editing/revision tips.
It sucks. I really, really, need a reader. Someone willing to jump into chapter 19 and read three chapters immediately, get them back to me so I can get some edits and ideas of what a general reader thinks. Then while I write the revisions, they work on the next three chapters.
Or even one chapter at a time. As long as I can get the turnaround in a day.
This Week
So, yeah finals to do.
More revision to get done.
Commission painting work has to get done THIS week.
I don’t know what else might come up.
Things you Should Check Out
On Thursday I posted the new Curse of Strahd Journal. I am still looking to establish the character voice. So, it might change up a little, but I think it’s a winner. The post blew up hugely on my feed. Very impressed with how it’s doing.

Last week, I also wrote the second of four posts on writing a Call of Cthulhu Campaign. I am feeling very good about this post. It will be live on this site on the 29th. I really hope you’ll all love it. It is just amazing to get my philosophies out on the screen.

Though I did forget to give credit to the great Seth Skorkowsky on one of my rules. The three clues to any one person/place/scene.
Other Media
I have really wanted to start talking more about comics, movies, and TV, but I never seem to find the time.
We’re going through the 50th Celebration for Kamen Rider right now. Toei’s YouTube channel is putting up a lot of the first episodes of all of the series. Also, if you go to Shout Factory they have a great Tokusatsu channel that has a bunch of Sentai but also the Original Kamen Rider Series and Kuuga (both of which are excellent).

In Comics, Donny Cates’ run on Venom is coming to an end with the end of King in Black. He’ll still be writing for Marvel, staying with Thor and a new comic called Extreme Carnage… which is a team-up book starring Flash Thompson as Anti-Venom and Andy as Scream. Very much looking forward to it. We also have a new Moonknight series starting in July.
The Future
The next couple weeks will end my college run and will see me moving into full time writing mode. We’re also under 2 months away from this thesis diary running for a YEAR!
I know I delayed it an extra month, but the query process will finally get started in May and those of you who stick with me will be getting updates on my search for an agent, and the sale of my novel.