Two Projects Going Forward

Journal 125 5 Aug.- 1 Sept 2024

I know I took way too long off. Should have posted something back on the 18th of August. But things all got jumbled and I was tired of reporting nothing to this blog.

Hell, even now I have little to say.

My august was made up of running people to doctor’s appointments (myself and others). Destroying one of my keyboards and now I no longer like cordless keyboards. I also have not replaced that keyboard yet. And then last week it all culminated in my own medical odyssey that ended with a colonoscopy.

I’ll spare you all the details on that last bit. But will mention that the prep time fell on the Sunday when I usually write this blog, and thus another week was skipped.


My whole life revolved around writing and storytelling. Whether I channeled it through running/playing games, wrote adventures, stories, novels. Even when I used to draw, it was all about telling stories.

And writing and storytelling are still paramount for me… but damn if I have resisted starting this new novel. And since I went back to college (2018-2021) I have barely read any books. There was a time I read 50+ books a year.

Now I’ve replaced a lot of my reading with watching foreign tv and movies. Reading subtitles instead. I will admit I also have taken to reading a lot of comics since I started running a comic shop.

I’m drawn to write but not as heavily as the past, and this site is meant to keep me motivated. I hate posting my missed goals and lack of progress and yet, I allow my life to bog down.

So, today is the 1st of September, and the “Ber” months are my favorite time of year. I have two projects that need doing and both require my writing energies.

Two Projects

First and foremost, I need to start the Dusk novel. It is time to put aside all my procrastination and get it going.

The other project is using the new 2024 PHB to put together my D&D campaign. Rewrite all my homebrew to incorporate the changes and also throw out the garbage that they didn’t remove (looking at you, shitty backgrounds).

With that said, I am going to focus my blogs on both of my projects and also talking about the games I play in. I’m all about storytelling, and the games have a lot of stories. Besides, even I’m getting tired with feeling miserable and posting about my lack of progress.

I’m sure all of you are also rolling your eyes and nodding along. Same old, over and over again.

The next four months, hell, the next full year should be an interesting time.


Expect the blog to progress report what I’m working on, then talk about character and story for the new games as each one happens. That will include character work ups, intros to the stories and probably reports on the progress of the campaigns. Then the final third of the blog will be saved for media talk: Comics, K-dramas, movies, etc.

Most of the new games will not have started until the end of Sept, or even later, but I plan to do some lead up work for each one. I have three different games coming to an end, each at a different date. One should end by next week, the other by the end of the month, and the third shortly after.

So, for now, here are some teasers.

Upcoming Campaigns

The first game is the one that should be coming up shortly and just happens to be the most epic in scape and ambition. The basis of the game is that over a thousand years of war have changed the entire face of the world, and of history. No one remembers how it started or who the original aggressors even were. Alliances and unions have shifted, but there is one place that has remained neutral in whole of the world. A last bastion of piece, a great academy of magic.

I don’t have names of every thing yet. The campaign is called School Daze.

Before game one even starts… we have to pause and play through an anthology of 10 chapters that take place during the war. 10 Chapters where we jump into the lives of various characters in different eras, on different sides of the war, and at various points through the 1000-year history.

The anthology portion of the game will probably take us a year or longer to get through before we start the NOW-part of the game. Also, this is a last hurrah, homebrew heavy, 2014 PHB only game.

Game Two and Three

We’re enforcers and bounty hunters for Hell. Whether sinners paying off a debt, villains seeking power, or dead heroes cursed to Hell. Our characters are charged with hunting down devils who have escaped Hell, or mortals who have broken contract, or various others who have flaunted the laws of Asmodeus.

This game is wholly being run on the 2024 PHB and switches to all new rules.

Game three is the most nebulous, as it is a homebrew heavy mixed game, using playtest materials, 2014, and 2024 stuff. But it leans heavily into the older stuff.

That game doesn’t have a premise yet, but is the DM returning to his original world again, specifically to a different part of the world and different era then we last played in. The DM has also tried to create the 3e Book of Nine Swords characters and the base premise is martial magic.


And that is what is going on. I plan to write another blog post next weekend. And will try to be weekly or bi-weekly going for the rest of the year. Sorry if I’ve been a disappointment all summer.

Let’s write and create some stuff. And I’ll see you down the road.

Thanks for reading this far.