Still Here

Journal 134 11 Nov- 1 Dec. 2024

I haven’t quit, yet.

But I did ignore this site and find other things to keep me busy on Sundays. This post will probably be late as well, as I’m writing it two hours later than normal.

I really have no idea what to talk about following my last post.

Despite the utter shit-show the world currently finds itself in, I tried to ignore the problems. Not completely, but enough to have some fun and try to be carefree for a couple weeks.

It worked somewhat.

Two Weeks in Short Order

In the past two weeks I crammed in seven complete plus 2 partial k-dramas, 3 movies, and about 10 hours of 2d6 Dungeon. I also did a paint project.

All things that kept my mind away from its troubles and kept my phone and the news off my screens. I know, you can’t just ignore everything. And I didn’t. I only allowed myself limited time to see where the shitshow was at.

Thinking about it, that is probably what all of us should have been doing all along. Stop doom scrolling. Stop the 24-hour news cycle.

During the last 2 weeks I cut my twitter time down to next to nothing. And even when I do go on there its to look at art, models, and fun stuff. I also, migrated over to Blueskies and while I still have all my news on over there, I also generally have better people trying to just enjoy themselves.

World Still Sucks

Don’t get me wrong. Still really pissed off and worried about the future.

But I’ve managed to lower my anxiety and the feeling of impending doom. I mean, I…. and everyone else, are only guessing and projecting how things will go next year. I’m stopping myself from “pre-worry.”

I just think its better to react to what is happening NOW… instead of guessing and worrying about what MIGHT happen later.

That said, you still need to be aware of what that might be… what could happen. And you also need to be aware of what is now. So, a limited amount of time spent in Twitter (it will never be called X) a limited amount spent scrolling through real news, and then I cut off entirely.

Fun and Games?

I mostly try to still have fun and games.

Between my game nights twice a week, solo games on my days off, getting back into physical therapy, reading comics, art projects, and k-dramas/films.

Of course, you know what would really take up a lot of time and focus? What this whole website was supposed to be devoted to? Writing a F’in novel. Yeah, that would probably take me out of everything. As I usually forget about eating, moving, or even using the bathroom while I write.

If I could just get my shit together and actually write. Hell, even if I didn’t want to work on the novel, I could type up my D&D campaign. I mean, between all the notebooks and such I would need 50-60 hours, just to get started. Plus, all the future expansion material?


I don’t have a topic for this post.

I guess I just wanted to let you all know that I’m still here and I’m still somewhat working on things.

I’ve found a way to cope for now. It will really be tested next year. So, for now… for the next 2 months, I’m going to try and be alright. I’m going to have fun, enjoy my limited holidays, work my ass off for inventory day, and try to stay busy. I don’t know what project I’ll be working on over the next 8 weeks, but it will be something.

Also, I’ll get back to my D&D character stories. A lot has happened in the last two weeks, even with one game going on break.

But all of that can wait until next week.

Last Comment

I really want to thank all of you who read these posts.

After my last post I didn’t come onto the site at all. I didn’t check in; I didn’t do anything.

Today was the first time since Nov 10th.

And when I looked at my site metrics, I saw that a lot of you came on here every day. Every single day from my last post until now I had at least one person come on and read one or more of my posts.

Felt good to know that there was still some interest.

I’ll stop here and try to get back on track for next week.

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