And Finally Winter
Journal 141 27 Jan- 9 Feb. 2025
First off, not much to talk about.
Secondly, about last week…. That was literally a weird fluke. I woke up last Sunday, early, refreshed. I immediately did my laundry and then went into my office and started to paint. Two hours later I emerged, realized I needed food and set to.
Later, around 1230pm or so it suddenly dawned on me that it was “Sunday” and I had completely forgotten about writing a blog. I didn’t want to have two weeks in a row where I published it late, so I decided to use my one-per-month-skip.
Today could have easily been more of the same.
Winter finally decided to show up.
January wasn’t super bad as far as winter goes. Only a little snow for us here. And the temps have been relatively warm. But February has been hitting a lot harder. Temps have been much colder and as I write this it has been snowing overnight. I probably have about five inches or more of snow waiting to be shoveled.
Normally I would be out there already shoveling, but I wanted to make sure that I got this blog done and posted first. Otherwise, I would have used it as an excuse to skip a second week. And we all know how that goes.
Media Consumption
Well last week was nothing much, I finished a K-drama (Doctor Prisoner) and started catching up on Critical Role Campaign three. I must admit that I fell off CR for a while and I was way back at episode 70. In the last two weeks I have caught up to 83 and I’ll probably get another two episodes done today.
This week I started a rewatch of a favorite k-drama, Business Proposal. And after nearly two months of putting it off, I read a bunch of comics. I’m still way behind, and should probably read another dozen or so today to close the gap.
And then tonight is the Superbowl. Which is crazy. I used to be a massive football addict, watching all the time. But over the last ten years or so I barely watch any more. That all said, I loathe the Chiefs and the Eagles are my “Back-up team”
I always get called a traitor to my team but since I’m an AFC guy, I tend to think of the Eagles as my NFC team. I always try to justify my love. I mean it’s not like I own any Eagle jerseys or anything. They are just the team I love second most.
I’m hoping the Chiefs get crushed.
Of the non-sportsball variety.
Let’s see… the last two Saturdays were a return to the Hellhunter’s game. Last week we finished a mission, retrieving an agent from a vile cult. We then returned to Avernus to only be sent back out to recover a relic from a lost tomb. It’s been a weird turnaround.
The game is super episodic and I’m hoping that down the road a story emerges and we get roped into a greater tale.
My Tuesday games were both spent making characters. Last week, it was for the beginning of the alternating campaign, a heavily home-brewed world that has a version of the Book of Nine Swords included.
I might have already talked about him in my previous blog. Arrogant, giant caveman sword master?
This Tuesday I created the character for chapter 4 of the prequels for School Daze campaign.
The other players don’t read these blogs, so I feel I can be open with the character. The original concept was to play the very old JOKE/ Meme of the paladin who believes he is supremely justified in his actions. He believes he is “right” and he is “good” even as he commits horrors in the name of his beliefs.
Basically, I’m the “lawful good” character who is actually lawful evil. But I decided to take it a step further. He’s only 2 levels of paladin, but while gaining his 3rd level he discovered a sword that was intelligent.
The sword corrupted him. Now, the character believes he is fully a paladin, and that his gods are speaking to him through visions and whispers. But in reality (and on the character sheet) he is five levels of Warlock Hexblade.
I have a bunch of ways I plan on using and revealing my powers at the table. Though with how short these prequel games are, I probably won’t get to reveal very much. Still, I’m excited to play the character.
Two Weeks
And that was really my whole two weeks. Work, comics, podcasts, and characters. Barely any gaming, a ton more comics to read, and I haven’t watched a movie in almost 2 weeks. So, yeah. I’m pretty boring during the winter.
I’ll try to find something interesting to talk about, maybe give myself a topic and write a short essay for next week. But more than likely I’ll just read some comics and start another k-drama. I narrowed down my choices to three shows: Queen of Tears, Lovely Runner, or Taxi Driver Series 1.
I’ll let you know next week what I picked.
Well, I’m going to eat breakfast, and then go shovel the driveway.
Thanks for reading this far and see you next week.
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