Slow-Time; The Agony
Journal 140 20-26 Jan. 2025
I’m getting a late start this morning. Usually this is posted around 10 or 11am and I’m just sitting down to write at that time.
I’m gonna get a little political for about a paragraph or two and then I’ll get back to the usual topics.
The title of this blog is a bit of a joke, but not really. It is referencing the fact that it has only been a single week since my last blog, and that week has felt like months. A week of being held hostage by the stupidest people in the country. That the biggest piece of shit, criminal loser could be reelected….
I knew he was trash when I was 10 years old, and I still can’t understand how he’s continued to exist as anything other than a complete loser? Every day this week has been more and more outrage, theatrics, and examples of how unfit both Trump and the Republican Party have become. Every decade since Nixon they have cut away at America and debased themselves. They aged out or drove away any decency from the party and brought in the dumb, the vile, and the lowest of scum. And then they have the audacity to pretend they have morals, standards, or any kind of patriotism.
It disgusts me.
OK… I promised not to rank for a whole blog.
Escapism. Maybe you’ve noticed that the last few months, hell most of the last year, my journal has been all about comics, movies, books, and other things that allow me to ignore the shitshow this nation has become.
It’s a coping mechanism.
I’ll be returning to it now. I just want you to understand my absolute loathing for how the world is changing. Give you a glimpse at the seething rage beneath the surface. Knowing what our country is capable and seeing how its being ruined by the worse fools (and yes there are a number of democrats I would love to kick out of power as well).
I digress.
What media have a consumed?
Didn’t read any comics, I’m still weeks behind.
Didn’t watch any movies, the previous weeks I watched a ton of movies.
I did finish a k-drama and start another one. I watched Military Prosecutor Doberman. That was really good. It’s on Netflix, great leads. Jo Bo Ah is probably at her sexiest in the role, and this is not a romance drama at all. Matter of fact. SPOILER: The only kiss in the show is ruined by the camera panning away before it lands.
But the show is action packed and has a bunch of political and military leaders that are crushed due to their corruption. If only the real world held people accountable for their crimes we wouldn’t have a felon in the White House and be laughed at by the rest of the world. Something else we can learn from South Korea, just how fast they impeached, arrested, and imprisoned not one, but two presidents in a single month.
What did we do there?
We set up for Tuesday game to go back to rotation. The second DM has fished his prep and this Tuesday coming up will see out character creation night. That means we completed chapter three of the prequel material for School Daze.
If you don’t understand “School Daze” you need to go back and read the last few posts. I explain all about the nature of this grand campaign.
As to the Saturday campaign, last week we ended one story and this week we created our characters for the new campaign. I’ve gone back to old school with the new character. I’m playing a young character for the first time in years, a first level straight fighter is the plan. Classic, chosen-one farm boy from an important unknown family lineage.
Other Games
I’ve started getting into visual novels. Its like a fully art rendered, sometimes animated, choose your own adventure novel. That’s mostly fun. I’ve been trying out freebie ones and such as I find them, since I already have a dozen or so videogames I haven’t started. So, why spend money on new games when I haven’t touched the old?
Yes. Do not spend money I don’t have. Good idea.
So, the rest of this week… with all the snow storms raging across the south, comics might not be coming in this week. Meaning work will probably be slow. Character creation on Tuesday. Rotate game on Saturday, back to playing Chamber. Probably play through a visual novel today.
Read comics or watch a k-drama on Monday.
Thursday…. Maybe go back to playing my Solo RPGs?
I don’t know.
I just do what feels ri8ght and keeps me sane.
This blog is already a couple hours late, so let’s just stop here.
Thanks for reading this far.