Back on the Tracks Again.
Writers Journal Update 5 5-11July 2021
Well let’s just get right into it. The title tells it, I got back on track after taking the previous week off.
I still feel like I’m going incredibly slow but I need to ignore that. I don’t have a deadline, I’m still looking for an agent, and life is moving forward. But I have always been a bit of an impatient man. And I feel like I should be doing more and trying harder.
This is a problem, but recognizing the problem allows me to navigate around it.
The week got off to a great start. I revised chapter 5 from the original version to the new 2.0 version and I rewrote my chapter seven. With those two finished I have caught up to only having new words and material from this point forward.
So, for the rest of the week I worked my way through chapter 8, all new material and introducing a new POV. I will admit that the new POV lacks a certain voice, but it is giving me a chance to showcase some of the same characters through different eyes.
In total, over the three chapters I gained another 7814 words to the manuscript, bringing us to 34,343 total words. Which means we are now above the word count where I nuked the manuscript and I’m back to moving forward.
Workshop Partners
I mentioned in previous posts that I have been working with a partner while writing this novel. Trying out something new. Basically each week we trade the week’s writing and workshop it and gain feedback during the writing process.
Reading my partner’s work has been really inspiring. I love seeing what someone else is working on, and taking the time each week to read and comment makes me feel like I’m not working in a vacuum.
I’m fairly sure that a lot of writers have trouble dealing with the solitude. Not to say that many of us aren’t introverts who prefer to be alone. But at the same time, I have to say that I often want (need) to talk about what I’m writing with someone. Anyone. And having a dedicated person who is reading along and understands what the heck you’re talking about is great.
I am thankful that he didn’t get mad when I nuked everything and resent him the new prologue and first chapters of my book. But the feedback and encouragement have really worked to keep me moving.
Reading and Other Work
I know I mentioned this over the last year or so, but I’m also sure none of you are going back and reading the 55 posts before this one (and if you’re one of the handful of people who have read every post from the beginning than I have much love for you)—but during college I found it very difficult to read for pleasure. I would feel guilty about reading a fiction book when I had so many school books and articles to read each week.
I’ve been out of school for a little over 2 months now (really? Only 2?) and I’m finally starting to read again. Working in the comic shop got me back to reading weekly comics. But I’ve taken that a step above and acquired some old essentials and epic collections and started working my way through classics. I have completed the 70s runs of Ghost Rider and I am done with the 60’s and just about done with the 70’s era Dr. Strange.
But I have also started to open up some actual novels. I’m reading a Historical Mystery novel called Seven Wonders right now. I mostly like it. It’s appealing to my history minor and love of Rome and the ancient world. I started tracking things on my goodreads again, so if anyone wants to follow my social media there, click HERE.
Podcast #3 went live this week. I am super excited for how things are going. We’re just three guys with almost no following on social media. An we all suck at self-promo, ha ha. But the episodes are getting out there and starting to make numbers. So, thank you to everyone following my links and listening.
Episode three saw us sharing our love for the other people in our community. Talking about youtubers, painters and teachers in the hobby. And I just want to start the hype train now, but in 4 weeks episode 7 is going to drop and it will be amazing.
Episode 7 sees us telling stories from the POV of characters we played in games. IT gets pretty funny as we each chose a story and character that were humorous. I’m really hoping that we can do more episodes like this in the future. And I really, really, want to hear some feedback and thoughts on this one.
I am not a voice guy and I barely know how to get my parts recorded and to the editor. So, I was nervous, but I think I really nailed it. I will of course mention it every week until it goes live.
Next Week:
So, the plan is to finish chapter 8 and then move on to 10 (chapter 9 is already done). I’m aiming for 6000 words for the week still, though I will more than likely reach beyond that. If I can break 40k for the week (total manuscript) I think I would like to sprint for 50k.
I’m finally getting all of the storylines to start converging. The main story is kicking off right now. The other two stories are heading to the same location, and I’m about a quarter of the way through the main arcs.
I have delayed the Curse of Strahd posts in the hopes that I can get more material. But playing only once a month has really cut into what I can produce as “journal” entries. I’m still planning on doing another series of posts featuring my characters in my other games. But I want to build up material for those as well.
And If I’m being honest, the Strahd/ Ravenloft posts have been hugely popular. While I don’t care how many people read the site, as long as someone other than myself does… it helps the ego when I see 60 views in a single day on a post. And right now, only the Strahd stuff generates that.
But I digress… last week was good, this week will also be good, and I’m just happy to share it with you all.
Thanks for reading, listening, and just stopping by.