Hard to Start

Journal 121 2-16 June 2024

I finished the revision and was very happy. YAY.

But when do I start the new novel?

That part I didn’t answer.

And as I write this, I don’t have a single clue.

Last Two Weeks

I organized my comics, caught up on some of my reading, worked on a ton of world-building, started re-doing character backgrounds and histories (both for the novel and a future D&D game), and dealt with normal life shit. Appointments, chores, and day job.

Not once did I pick a date to start writing the next novel, nor have I taken the time to set up the new Scrivener Project. Something I always forget how to do and have to relearn with each novel. Also, this is the first time I haven’t taken the time to create a chapter-by-chapter outline.

Perhaps I need to think about that first?

Or is that just more procrastination?

Wasting Time?

I feel like I’m wasting time… like even this blog/journal is a way to procrastinate.

But at the same time, I used to do a weekly blog no matter what and now I constantly skip weeks. Though in my defense I had to work last Sunday, so there was no time to write one of these posts (mostly because I forgot I had to work Sunday until 9pm on Saturday… ha ha)

I will also admit I am intimidated to start the next novel. I have misgivings on the layout, the length, the way I intend to tell the story. I worry if my ambition overreaches my talents.

But I always worry about that. I always use the insecurity as a crutch. Even though I know I can pull off a great story. Even though I have planned and over-thought nearly ever part of the narrative. Still, I worry.

I worry right up to the point I start writing and then it all goes away.

So, when do I start?

Side Story

On the other hand, I was also asked if I wanted to contribute a short story to a friend’s project. I haven’t written short in a long time. It’s not really my thing. I barely like to even read short stories.

I haven’t put much thought into a story yet. But it most definitely will take place in my novel world and I have thought about having it tie into an event that will happen in the new book.

There are a series of murders that get investigated. I could write a story about that. I could try to rewrite the old “Gamelin Ripper” story from one of older works. I have tons of little unexplored stories that get mentioned in passing in each of my novels. I could explore any of them.

In any case, I have not started to think about it too deeply or write notes yet. It is yet another delay on the next novel starting.

Thinking of Stories

I feel like these journals should have a topic. Other than my writing progression (or lack thereof).

I could talk about how my favorite keyboard appears to have a broken space bar. And it randomly double spaces when I hit it. Makes me mad to think I might have to replace the damn thing.

Digressing again.

I recently (over the last six months) read through Amazing spiderman 1-186, I have almost reached the 1980s in my read thru. And I have some thoughts on 70s spiderman. I find that a lot of stories in this era, have spiderman as the true problem.

Spider-man Problems

There are multiple stories where his involvement makes everything worse.

All (excluding the first couple) Molten Man stories literally are about the so-called villain trying to desperately save his life. Yes, he is breaking into places and stealing chemicals, but that’s in pure desperation.

Then spiderman swings in and starts throwing punches and escalates the scene into violence. Buildings are on fire, people are hurt, and spiderman has stopped the Molten Man from finding a cure yet again.

There is a classic trope where two heroes meet and they always fight first before they realize that there is a villain… and yeah, it’s because none of the heroes think before they act. They just do stupid shit or throw punches first and ask questions never.

This didn’t start in the 70s, it started way back in the first issue of spiderman, when he broke into the Baxter Building and attacked the Fantastic Four as a way to “show off how badass he was in lieu of a job interview.” In that story, I can give him a pass because he was 16. But in the 70s he’s in his mid-20s and should have grown up some.

This is just one observation, and don’t get me started on his money issues… which are mostly caused by continuity errors.


I don’t know what else to talk about. I could talk about discovering SISU on YouTube. A must watch if you like batshit crazy narratives where Nazis get killed a lot. Also, Godzilla Minus One on Netflix. Fantastic.

I plan to watch some old TV later today, once I finish all my To Do List.

As such, I have to leave the keys. Be well, and thanks for reading this far.