First Snow
Journal 139 12-19 Jan. 2025
Well, today is the first real snow storm for my area. Though as I write this it hasn’t started yet.
Maybe it will be a dud and I won’t have to shovel out?
Considering they often overlook my road, or only partially clear it when they do come by, I’ll be lucky if I can get to work. Luckily, today is a day off so I don’t need to worry about that until later.
Dull Week
I don’t have a lot going on during January. There is a reason why I always wanted to start a novel now. I really should be writing the Dusk book. But of course, I’m more interested in games, movies, k-dramas, and other distractions.
I haven’t been playing my solo RPG, so that’s been on pause for a few weeks now. We did get two D&D nights in this week. My Tuesday game continues to be interesting and our DM introduced even more interesting time travel elements. And I say that as someone who generally dislikes time travel.
The Saturday game (B) came to an end in a dramatic fashion. Though we created a silly and crazy epilogue for it. I guess I can talk about that game for a bit.
Miscommunication and The End
I’m not very sad to see this game go. If I’m fully honest I think the player expectation and the DM delivery were entirely mismatched. The game was sold as a “silly, odd-ball romp in fantasy space.” Misfits and weirdos.
My favorite things.
And the DM did introduce silly elements. Spirits that took the form of green mice trying to communicate with a character through hallucinations. A Paladin of “Love” who was a dude bro trying to get laid constantly. An ancient temple that was turned into a casino and brothel, that was originally built by a race of rapey dolphins. New, sometimes fake, gods peddling religion and trying to sucker in worshippers.
This was combined with some very serious elements though… a mind-controlling greater evil slowly puppeting an entire world’s government, ancient undead waking on the moons, a fleet of super alien warships blockading and starving out our system.
The threats were a little unbalanced to the party of idiots we created.
Three Deaths
I’m sure I complained back in older journals about each of my characters deaths. But suffice, all but one of us died facing those undead…. Merely trying to salvage a broken ship so we could upgrade. The surviving character limped back home, recruited two new people, went back and salvaged the ship.
The second group died fighting the mind controlling elder evil.
We then started a third group of people with no links to the original story. Instead, we were primitive people living on a planet at the edge of space were our previous characters only dreamed of trying to travel to.
These primitive characters knew about the travellers form the stars but never dreamed of going there themselves. We wandered in circles getting involved in minor weirdness until it culminated with us exploring a tower covered in space squids (mind flayer drop ships).
My third and final death was at the hands of a mind flayer who extracted my brain. But the joke was on the flayer, as my character was a functional idiot and thus, he got no nutritional value from my brain.
In the epilogue I was restored to life, with only slightly more brain damage
Mixed Feelings
So, I liked my first character, and the general ideas of this game. But the threats were too serious for our silly characters. There were multiple times I wanted to just quit the game. But since it is on a revolving schedule I could forget about it for a couple weeks before having to come back to it.
Was it all tears and misery? No. The characters were fun and we had moments of levity. Its just the villains were on steroids and not in on the joke.
I’ve sat through worse games and now its fine to say goodbye. And I have a week to come up with a new character. For the next campaign.
I keep second guessing my idea, as it is very similar to one I’ve already played, and similar to a new one I’ll be playing once my Tuesday game goes back to alternating. Then again there should be enough differences between the two characters. We’ll see how I feel next week when I have to create the character.
What Else?
Organized some of my comics last week. I emptied out the “Just Read” box into the collection as a whole. I’m still about 3 weeks behind in my reading. I should probably spend some time today reading a dozen or so comics. Get caught up.
I watched a bunch of horror movies on my day off this week. Mostly old stuff I enjoy, but I also watched Hereditary for the first time. I enjoyed it. I get the hype now.
I started 2 k-dramas. One is a romance with two actors I really like. But I guess in didn’t pay enough attention to one of the early episodes and now, 4 episodes in I feel like it’s slow and I don’t understand some of the drama of the characters. I mean I don’t have the web of relationships all clear in my head. Of who hates and likes who and why all these peoples’ lives are intersecting. Sadly, I might just drop it entirely instead of restarting from episode one.
On the flip side the other show I’m watching is fantastic. Its about military prosecutors going after high-ranking corrupt officers. This is the second show I’ve seen with this male lead, and he’s great. And of course, the female lead is one of my many crushes. But in this show they make her a total badass. Doing crunches while hanging suspended, and beating up eight dudes in a fight, and just generally being beautiful.
Military Prosecutor Doberman on Netflix, recommend.
Other Media
I know I resolved to read more novels. I haven’t started a single one.
I did pick up a copy of the new Cthulhu by Gaslight, and I’m slowly working through that. Though the other five or six RPG supplements I picked over the last year are still waiting to be read.
That’s the problem… so much of my past times require reading. K-dramas, novels, rpg books, comics… I’m always reading.
Anyway, I’m bracing for snowfall, debating what I’ll do for the rest of the day. Besides laundry and making some breakfast, I have no other plans. Which hobby do I embrace… more K-drama episodes? Comcics? Start a novel? What?
I’ll figure it out and report back next week.
Thanks for reading this far and be well.
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