Halloween Special
Update 21 25-31 October 2021
This will be a short one to be sure.
I’m writing this today, on Halloween while working in the Comic Shop. A co-worker took the day off to go to NJ and attend Chiller. This is my favorite day of the year, though I seldom show it the proper love.
The week as ad a lot of ups and downs, from getting a head cold to panic over my heart health it has been a pretty horrible week for sleep, writing, and living in general.
Word Count
We’ll just get this out of the way quickly. I did manage to get a couple days of writing in. But wit my head feeling like it was full of Jello and my heart acting up, I only managed about 3500 words this week. Which is still a decent number.
The book is jogging along and was just short of breaking 70k. With next month I plan to do NaNoWriMo and really get 50+ k knocked out. With all the restarts I have never made it out of my act 1 and I just really want to get into the more exciting later half of the book.
Rest of my Week
So, besides toughing out my illness and not getting a lot of writing done, I did manage to do a double podcast recording and we’re getting back on track wit tat process. Should have a new episode go live in a week or two. If things work out, probably two in November.
Despite being tired and a little out of my mind, managed two gaming sessions this week. Both were a lot of fun. And because I spent as much time as possible in bed, wrapped in blankets, I started three different Korean TV shows and read two weeks’ worth of comics.
Among the Korean shows I’m watching It’s Ok to not Be Ok (dark romance), Black (supernatural cop mystery), and The Guest (possession supernatural cop).
Black I started a long time ago and never finished, so I restarted from the beginning. It is a lot of fun, very humorous in the beginning, but ten it gets very twisted and convoluted. It’s OK is just a blast of funny, romantic drama… with some dark fantasy (fairy tales, ghosts, mental illness).
The Guest is about a psychic, a priest, and a cop all trying to go after a demon/spirit that possesses damaged people wo commit murders. It’s really good and the characters all have great chemistry together.
Comic Shop
Well, I am running the shop today. So, will be cutting this in a moment. I feel like I owe you all more words, and yet work beckons and I still feel run down. And tomorrow is my day off but also the first day of NaNoWriMo. Need to get myself ready to knock out all the words tomorrow.