Daylight Savings is Bull$#!t

Journal 143 16 Feb- 9 March 2025

I guess I shouldn’t hate setting the clocks forward anymore. I get up everyday without an alarm, even though I still set one. And I’m only a little late in starting this journal today.

But I still hate setting the cloak forward. The lost hour really gets under my skin. Also, it’ll still mess up my sleep for the rest of the week. If not longer.

The last couple years there was talk of stopping the change in time, but it keeps getting pushed down the road for future discussion.


Busy Weeks

The last two weeks were fairly busy. I had a paint job I had to do and I used my Sunday blog writing time for that instead. I also ended up working extra hours at work for two weeks.

Not this week but the previous two.

Really, though I didn’t have much to say, and I still don’t.

But there was no way I would skip a third week.

What happened?

I really need to think about it. What did I do for the last two weeks besides extra work and painting commission? I watched a good number of k-dramas, read a dozen comics, played a couple videogames, and worked extra hours.

That’s it.


I watched four dramas. In my last post I mentioned finishing Lovely Runner, which is a really good show. Since then, I watched two short shows, Melo Movie and Study Group, and then two standard length shows, Extra-Ordinary You and Forest.

Yesterday I started a new show, my current watch; Love Scout. Love  is another short show, only 12 episodes. I’m only 3 episodes in and all I can say is I’m finding it very… comfortable? The first episode sets things up but really, it’s the third episode where the show starts rolling with the relationship between the main characters.


I’m about six weeks behind in my reading, which makes no sense to me. I swear I take a whole day and read like a dozen, two dozen, comics and I catch up.

At least, I think I catch up.

But looking at the pile I have six weeks in my room, and another week I left at work still. I did get and start reading the DC Finest edition of Doom Patrol. It’s a book that collects the first three years of the comic. 1963-65. I’m really enjoying it, though I have found that a lot of comics write their characters as jerks in that era.

In Fantastic Four, the four are complete assholes in the first issue. They argue with each other, Reed is jingoistic. They use their powers in public places causing panic, accidents, breaking doors, burning things, etc. Just total assholes.

Spider-man, my favorite character. I grew up thinking he was always bullied in high school (and he was). But he was also a rude little jerk as well. He constantly insulted and attacked every person who attacks him. And without context (or seeing their past history) you would not be able to tell if Peter was the bully or if it was always Flash.

Now, in Doom Patrol, Negative man in almost every issue insults Cliff, and never uses his name. It’s always a rude name. Tin bot, rust bucket, tinman, etc.

I’m sure I need a larger sample size before I can say it’s a common trope of 80s era writing. But I think I’m on to something.

D&D Nights

We started the alternate game on Tuesdays. I’m still trying to get the character fully worked out in my mind. Its hard for me to play a dumb character, so I have to keep reining myself in.

We got the characters to meet and work together and now we’ve had our first successful “group activity.” Now our motley crew are traveling in the same direction… ergo strength in numbers. But really my super dumb, Dude-bro character just wants to stay with the other characters because they’re women.

The sat game2, we infiltrated some ruins, met an important character, and traveled past the furthest point our characters have ever traveled in their lives (even in our parents lives as well).

This sat we took a week off, and we’ll be going back to Game1 next week. We’re going to build our first Bastion with the new rules.

What Else

What else can I talk about. I don’t have a topic or essay I want to discuss. Though I will admit during the week s I sometimes think of topics I would like to explore. Mostly musing my way through various thoughts.

Perhaps I should start writing essays again.


In any case I have laundry and breakfast to do, so away I go.

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